Sometimes. Really, sometimes I just want to whine and complain about how tough this mom gig really is and how exhausted I am every single day. Then I remember that I chose this. I remember that I haven't had a corporate job that I actually enjoyed in I don't even know how long and that I really am exactly where I want to be. We all still have tough days - corporate, mom taxi or otherwise. That being said, I thought it would be a little bit funny if I reworded my complaints into things that I'm thankful for. Because, at the end of the day, all we really want are healthy, happy and well rounded kids, right?
1. I'm thankful that you love the water - maybe you'll be a swimmer some day. I must tell you, though, I don't think that playing in the dog water OR the toilet will get you there. But please, discover.
2. I'm thankful for your refined palette and your desire to put absolutely anything and everything in your mouth. It's not always the food I cook for you - but everything else goes in there with such zeal and excitement that maybe you're destined to be a food critic, or in the very least, a good cook like your dad, which is better than what I can do, at least at the moment.
3. I love that you have a strong throwing arm, tossing toys (and food) this way and that. That's all. You're very good at throwing things.
4. I'm glad that you value clean dishes and want to know exactly how the dishwasher works - by either removing all dishes and silverware (see #3) or by simply climbing inside to get a better look.
5. You must value leftovers since you rearrange the Tupperware cabinet time and time again. I love Tupperware, too buddy. Tupperware and nesting bowls.
6. Though I don't always want to admit it, I do find your sense of humor quite funny, especially when you toss food over your shoulder when you're done with it or when you dribble milk out of your mouth all over yourself and the floor. Mazu, the dog, is thankful for this as well. He loves milk - on the floor, in the carpet, on your face.
7. I love that you're already reaching for the stars, by climbing up the stairs every opportunity you get.
8. Your ability to function on such a small amount of sleep makes college students envious. Naps are for babies!
9. I'm thankful that we, along with our friends and family, are financially able to purchase you so many nice toys. I will be more thankful when you actually pay attention to them, instead of wanting to play with every other thing that is NOT in fact a toy for you.
10. I absolutely love that you're so curious and that you never stop moving for even a minute (like a mommy bathroom break - see #s 1, 2, 7 and 9). I love that you're always learning and growing and so, so busy.
But mostly, though, in all seriousness, I am so thankful that I get to be at home with you and be your mom. I'm thankful that I'm the one changing your diapers and I'm the one that's giving you an ice pack for that bloody lip from tripping and falling over, yet again. I'm thankful for the smiles and the giggles, especially when you're cuddled up on the dog beds. I'm even thankful for the complaining and the resistance because that shows that you're headstrong and have thoughts of your own even at this ripe old age of 13 months. I'm thankful that you come over just to sit close to me, while sucking your thumb and rubbing my arm or leg. Most days, I feel a little crazy and a little lost and wonder if I'm doing any of this right at all. And as much as I feel like complaining some days, I'm also so very thankful.
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