Monday, December 30, 2013

It's Not a Party Until Someone Gets Diaper Cream on Their Foot

and nine times out of ten, it's not me.  I think that thought quite a lot, because it seems to happen quite a lot with an oh so wiggly little baby boy.  He's so darn cute, I can hardly get mad.

I really don't know what it is.  I don't know if our moms just had it more together than we do or if this too shall pass but I'm envious of moms that do their hair every day - my husband is probably envious of their husbands as well.  Heck, I'm lucky to have matching shoes on when and if I leave the house.  Actually, let's say that I'm lucky if I'm wearing real shoes and not my Crocs.  I purposely purchased bright pink Crocs to wear around the house so that I would be less likely to wear them out in public.  The first two times, it was in all honesty, completely by accident - I was already in the car and down the road before I noticed I was still wearing rubber shoes, but then the last time, I just embraced it and threw on a pink sweater and acted like I tried to coordinate it.  Yes, I'm embarrassed.  But I just pointed my ponytailed head down and went about my business as quickly as possible.  That's how a lot of things seem to need to get done these days - as quickly as possible.  You never know how much time you're going to have until the baby is all up in everything again.  As I type this, I'm both impressed and relieved that I still have some typing skills after being a slave to both my iphone and iPad in recent history instead of a real computer with a real keyboard.  Bonus.

And it's possible that it's just me and I'm the only one out there that doesn't have it together with a 3 month old but I'm writing this in hopes that I'm not the only one and that at least one other person can relate.  It's a good day because I both showered and I'm wearing jeans for when Nishant gets home.  Granted, I'm wearing my Crocs but they are meant to be my shoes for in the house.  I haven't done my hair because the baby started crying before we could get that far but I'm hoping to finish jotting down my thoughts and still have time to spare to brush and ponytail.  That's something, right?

Up until about a week ago, we had a happy baby that slept through the night - while we were traveling up and down the country, on a 1500 mile trip, I might add. 

Mid-feeding at a Wendy's somewhere in VA maybe? 

We came home and transitioned him to his crib, which is upstairs, where our master bedroom is downstairs, and we have yet to have more than 1 consecutive night of no interruptions.  And when I say that, I'm pretty sure the only night without incident was the first night, but at this point, I can't even remember - maybe we didn't do it that night either.  I really can't tell if we're getting better or if we remain the same in the sleep category.  And I'm exhausted.  I had thought that by now I'd be used to the lack of sleep and be able to function but it seems like I'm reverting back to needing a solid 8 hours (heck, at least 6) to function properly and happily.  It's been a rough week and I'm tired. 

And it's 4:12 - the good wife would be downstairs starting preparations for dinner but I really felt like getting my thoughts down was more beneficial to me in my current state.  At least I planned 2 of the 3 planned meals for this week.  Meals - that's a whole other issue.  I was on a post baby diet for a hot minute - and I mean a hot minute.  I have figured out that I have no idea how to eat anymore.  Pre-baby, I was planning a wedding and was trying to stick to as close to 1200 calories as possible and through pregnancy I just ate what I wanted.  As a new, breastfeeding mom, I'm terrified of not getting enough calories and my supply dropping so I'm sort of just eating whatever the heck I want to all over again.  And then, I feel bad about being fat and do some comfort eating to add to it.  Ugh.  I tried to do a 10 minute workout the other day - yup, just 10 minutes, and only got through about 4 minutes of it before the baby started screaming.  Cherish the naptime.  You NEVER know how long its going to last, which brings us full circle to doing everything as quickly as possible.  I hear a baby waking up...

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