Monday, September 30, 2013

A Baby Story

Oh my, what a crazy few days!

Our baby boy, Ayden Nishant Desai, came on Thursday, September 26th at 38 weeks, 3 days, so about 10 days early. I was scheduled to have an OBGYN appointment at 9:30 and just had a funny feeling that they would tell me to go ahead and go to the hospital. I just felt a little off. 

We went to bed and I woke up around 1:15 with some severe cramping. I went through a few and then started tracking them and they were lasting around a minute and were around 5 minutes apart. My mom had a very short labor when she had me so I was very conscious of paying attention to what was going on. I let the contractions go for about an hour and then woke up Nishant and told him I was going to call the doctor. He bolted out of bed, washed his face, brushed his teeth and went to let the dogs out. He was almost dressed before I even got in touch with anyone at the doctor's office. Since it was the middle of the night, I spoke to someone with the answering service and it took about an hour to get them to call me back. At that point, I was dressed and ready to go to the hospital, regardless of what they told me. The midwife I talked to told me it was up to me but that since I wasn't very far along the week before, I probably had plenty of time. Again, due to family history, I told her that I was coming in. 

By the time I got to the hospital around 3:30 in the morning, the same midwife I talked to was surprised to tell me that I was indeed in active labor and already 7 cm dialated. I gave up any idea of a natural birth and requested the epidural immediately. It was a little bit of a waiting game and I even got in a little nap, but by around 10 we were ready to go and Ayden came into the world with a little cry at 10:21!

He had a very adventurous day 1 and wasn't really feeling the whole breast feeding thing by day 2 and got a little jaundice. He had to spend about 12 hours as a little glow worm. 

After supplementing with some formula, and getting some assistance from at least 3 nurses, he was doing a lot better and got to come off the light blankets!

By 6 pm on Saturday, we were all set and ready to go home. 

Of course we are all adjusting but we are so in love with our sweet boy, even if he wants to eat every hour in the middle of the night and sleep all day! It's a good thing he's cute!

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